
Making Inference,
Summarizing and Paraphasing


This is sometimes called "reading between the lines". When you make an inference, you use all of the information that you have available at a time to guess what is "behind" the literal information of a text… In other words, you go beyond what is stated explicitly in the text to infer the intended message by paying attention to certain "clues"


A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning

For EXAMPLE i infer that there is a ghost in my house based on the evidence that i have seen objects moving on their own

Making an inference can ve thought of as "reading between the lines" of what you reador obeserve

The formula of inference is Clues in the book + My own thinking equal to inference!

Summarizing and Parapashing


Summarizing is a powerful reading strategy. it increases comprehension and retention of information

Summarizing is :
1. Keeping (Keep only the important information and main ideas)
2. Deleting (Do not include supporting details in your summary)
3. Paraphasing (Use your own words)


Paraphasing is to put something into your own words

Here are the steps to paraphasing:
1. Read a paragraph
2. Ask yourself "What was the main idea and details of this paragraph"
3. Put into your own word